© St Peter’s Episcopal Church, Kirkcaldy 2023
St Peter’s Scottish Episcopal Church With St Mary & St Leonard, Kinghorn Charity Nos: SCO10443
Townsend Place, Kirkcaldy, Fife KY1 1HB Tel: 01592 204208 Email: cnfraser@btinternet.com
News & Events 2024
Scots Night On Friday 16th February we held our first sit down Social Evening of 2024. The theme of the evening was all things Scottish. After the Selkirk Garce, we were treated to a 2 course meal which consisted of a choice of Haggis, Neeps & Tatties or Stovies followed by either Cranachan or Trifle. After the meal the entertainment consisted of a quiz, a comic skit, recitations, Scots songs sung by Eleanor Hubbard and some fiddle music. All the guests were give a Haggis Hunting Permit and a History of Burns and the Haggis. All in all a very successful evening and many thanks to all those who contributed and special thanks to the Social Committee for the organisation.
Easter Sunday On Sunday 31st March, on a glorious sunny day, the congregation were welcomed to a spectacularly decorated church. Many thanks to all who came on Saturday to create the floral displays and other decorations.
Retirement of Bill Page At the Vestry Meeting on 9th April, it was announced that Bill has decided to retire as Chair of St Peter’s vestry after being in the position for 23 years. During the Sung Eucharist service on 28th April, Christine announced this to the congregation and a presentation was made by George Legge on behalf of the vestry to commemorate this event.
Fellowship Group On Thursday 25th April, members of our Fellowship Group had a road trip to Perth. A super lunch was enjoyed at Quarrymill then it was on to St Ninian’s Cathedral for a guided tour and coffee.
Sea Sunday
On Sunday 9th June, we were delighted to welcome Mr Jeremy Hawkings, Chairman of the Mission to Seafarers, Scotland who spoke about the work of the Mission. Our photos show him accepting some of the hundreds of hats made by our Craft Group and the many other able knitters in our congregation.
Patronal Festival On Sunday 30th June, there was a large attendance at St Peter’s to welcome Bishop Ian for a service of blessing and dedication on this festival of St Peter. During the service the Bishop blessed the new vestmants donated by the Revd Bob Barrett and dedicated the new stained glass window erected in memory of Jean Boland and her husband Michael. In attendance to witness the dedication were members of their family, neighbours and friends as well as the craftsman who designed and made the bespoke window. After the service, the family and friends spoke with Bishop Ian about the memories of Jean and her husband and the stained glass window. The congregation retired to the hall where we all enjoyed a bring and share lunch. A big thanks to Janey Legge and her helpers for the floral displays and to all those who contributed to the delicious spread.