© St Peter’s Episcopal Church, Kirkcaldy 2023
St Peter’s Scottish Episcopal Church With St Mary & St Leonard, Kinghorn Charity Nos: SCO10443
Townsend Place, Kirkcaldy, Fife KY1 1HB Tel: 01592 204208 Email: cnfraser@btinternet.com
Online Services
Services Pentecost 10 (Trinity 9) - 28th July 2024 Previous Services: St Peter’s Patronal Festivaal - 30th June 2024 Pentecost 7 (Trinity 6) - 7th July 2024 Pentecost 8 (Trinity 7) - 14th July 2024 Pentecost 9 (Trinity 8) - 21st July 2024 There are good online resources for liturgical prayer and lectionary reflection, such as: SEC liturgies: https://www.scotland.anglican.org/who-we-are/publications/liturgies/ SEC Daily Prayer: https://www.scotland.anglican.org/prayer/ C of E Worship resources: https://www.churchofengland.org/prayer-and-worship/worship-texts-and- resources Daily reflections: https://pray-as-you-go.org Episcopal Church USA, Sunday and weekday lectionary readings texts: https://www.lectionarypage.net/