© St Peter’s Episcopal Church, Kirkcaldy 2023
St Peter’s Scottish Episcopal Church
With St Mary & St Leonard, Kinghorn Charity Nos: SCO10443
Townsend Place, Kirkcaldy, Fife
Tel: 01592 204208
Email: cnfraser@btinternet.com
News & Events - 2013
Christmas Midnight Eucharist
This was held on 24 December, at 11.30pm. It was Christine's first Christmas service at St Peter's since she became rector, and was the first time for
several years that the service has been held so late. It was amply justified however by the large number of members who attended. The candle-lit
pews added to the atmosphere in the church.
The photographs were taken just before the service. Among them are Christine, lay reader Carol, eucharistic ministers Shirley and Maria, organist
Phil and two friends of Christine. They are Christina and David France, who made the vestment that Christine is wearing. The remainder show
some parts of the beautifully decorated church.
Carol Service
This took place on Sunday, 22 December at 3pm. The traditional service of lessons and carols was combined with a Christingle service. Everyone in
the crowded church was given an orange, a candle and four small sticks, from which, as Christine, rector of St Peter's, and lay reader Carol
demonstrated, a Christingle could be constructed. The choir added to the main program of lessons and carols by singing three items of Christmas
music. A retiring collection was taken on behalf of the Aberlour Trust. Members and visitors then enjoyed mulled wine and mince meat pies served
in the hall.
St Andrew's Night
This celebration of Scotland's saint, Andrew, was held on the evening of 30 November. It consisted of traditional music, poetry and dance, with
contributions from Eleanor Hubbard, Jane Legge, David Potter and others, including the whole company, who took part in the carol singing and
country dancing with enthusiasm.
Everyone enjoyed the food served by members of the social committee, traditional stovies and oat cakes, followed by ice cream. It ended with the
singing of "Auld Lang Syne" accompanied by Shona Briers on the violin.
Death of Mary Chilton
Mary was born in Rock, Cornwall on 24 March 1922. She and her brother Cecil Male enjoyed a happy childhood there
until the outbreak of war in 1939, when she joined the A.T.S. She met and married William Chilton and had six children,
Margaret, Peter, Michael, Mark, Sandra and Valerie.
When her father died, Cecil and her mother came to live in Scotland. Mary too moved to Scotland, and settled in
Kirkcaldy, where she had two more children, Anne Marie and Ian.
After raising her family, she worked as a cleaner in the Town House and the Adam Smith theatre, where she met many
celebrities, including Pat Phoenix ( Elsie Tanner in Coronation Street).
Mary was a faithful member of St Peters and a well-loved member of the Mothers' Union. In 2011, aged 89, it became
necessary for her to move into Raith Gates nursing home, where she spent the last two years of her life.
Her memorial service, held on Monday, 21 October, was well attended by family, friends and members of St Peter's.
Mary lived a full and happy life, and was held in great affection by all who knew her. Her favourite saying was 'Oh well,
never mind', a phrase her grandchildren often laughed about and will always remember her by.
Harvest Thanksgiving
It was fitting, after the most spectacular summer most of us can remember, that Sunday, 29 September, should be another glorious day. The large
congregation who attended enjoyed the service, the special thanksgiving hymns and the excellent flower arrangements devised by convenor Jane
Legge. The lunch afterwards, consisting of a variety of soups, rolls, grapes, tea and coffee, was equally appreciated. Some of the photos shown are
of the flower arrangements. The others are of donations of food, to be distributed later throughout the town.
Mary Sumner Day 2013
Mary Sumner was the founder of the Mothers' Union, an organisation with over 3 million members throughout the world. Although Anglican in
origin, membership is open to Christians of any denomination. It supports charitable projects involving literacy, parenting and other issues both
here and abroad. The world headquarters are at Mary Sumner House in London. St Andrew's diocese has around 200 members.
On Friday, 9 August, around 30 of these visited St Peter's to celebrate the birthday of Mary Sumner. Among these was the provincial president Mrs
Jean McPherson-Richardson and the diocesan president Mrs Linda Brownlie.
The day commenced with a Eucharist at 12 noon, followed by lunch provided by members of St Peter's, after which a pleasant afternoon was spent
wandering around the church grounds and catching up with friends. Cards and gifts brought by marketing co-ordinator Mrs Sue Hoare were
available for purchase. An offering taken at the sevice was donated to "Away From It Holidays", which provides holidays and outings for needy
Thankfully the weather stayed kind to us and the Peace Garden proved to be a popular spot. Members departed in the late afternoon after tea and
Licensing of Carol Latimer as Lay Reader
It is not often that "great occasions" occur at St Peter's. This year, however, we have celebrated two such occasions, the first being the institution
of Christine as Rector, the second the licensing of Carol as lay reader.
The service took place on Friday, 8 August, at 7.30pm, it was led, as before, by Bishop David, and witnessed by family, friends and colleagues of
Carol, by representatives from the Scottish Episcopal and other churches, by local and other dignitaries and by members of St Peter's.
On this occasion the ceremonies required for the licensing of a lay reader were enacted. The rector presented Carol to the bishop, who obtained
promises from the congregation to support her and from Carol to perform her ministry with care. She was presented with a Bible by young
Megan and Shona Briers, and with a Reader's scarf by Margaret Leigh. The bishop then read the licence and presented it to her. Music
throughout the sung Eucharist was performed by Phil Kear. The lesson was read by Martine Robertson and the gospel by Rob Briers. The
readings were chosen to celebrate the feast of St Dominic, founder of the order of preachers (OP), in recognition that preaching is integral to the
ministry of a lay reader. Similarly Christine based her sermon on the life of St Dominic.
After the service, refreshments were served in the hall. The photographs were taken before, during and after the service.
Institution of Rev Christine Fraser
The institution of Christine to be rector of St Peter's took place on Tuesday, 7 May, at 7.30 pm.
This solemn yet joyous occasion was witnessed by family, friends and colleagues of Christine, by representatives from the Scottish Episcopal and
other churches, by local and other dignitaries and by members of St Peter's.In the course of the service, led by Bishop David Chillingworth, the
ceremonies required by canon law for the institution of a new rector were enacted. Bill Page and Shirley Mann presented Christine to the bishop,
requesting that she should be installed as rector of St Peter's, Kirkcaldy with St Mary & St Leonard, Kinghorn.
The bishop called on the dean of the diocese to read the licence.Christine committed herself to this new trust and responsibility.
The congregation indicated they would support and uphold her in her ministry. Presentations to Christine were then made; a Bible from Cliff
Mwando, Jnr, a stole from David Paul, oil from Judy Webster, bread and wine from Jim Rogerson and Cliff Mwando Snr, and the keys of the
church from George Legge. These represented her roles in proclaiming the gospel, in bringing wholeness of life to the people, in consecrating the
elements and in making the church welcome to all. Bishop David then gave her his blessing and led her to her seat.At the end of the service, a
speech of welcome to Christine was made by Mary Robertson. In her reply, Christine indicated how much this change in her life meant to her,
and with what anticipation she was looking forward to her years ahead in Kirkcaldy.
Music throughout the service, which took the form of a Sung Eucharist, was provided by organist Phil Kear.
The lesson was read by Maria Page and the gospel by Carol Latimer.
The sermon was delivered by the Very Rev Hunter Farquarson, provost of St Ninian's Cathedral, Perth.
After the service refreshments were served in the hall. To relieve congestion however, with so many visitors present, an awning had also been
erected in the grounds.The pictures were taken before, some during and the rest after the service.
Appointment of new Rector
Since Rev Gareth Benson retired on 2 September, 2012, St Peter's has been without a full time rector. Behind the scenes, however, events have
been moving very fast in order to find a successor. The vestry, in collaboration with the diocese, have completed the lengthy procedures required
in advertising and dealing with applications, and are delighted to appoint Rev Christine Fraser to the post.
Christine currently lives in Perth and is giving up a successful business career to be Rector of St Peter's. She was ordained in 2003, has had close
associations with the Scottish Episcopal Church all her life, and has had considerable experience of parish work.
Her institution service will take place in St Peter's in early May.
In the meantime, we are being well served by interim pastor Malcolm Ashcroft, who, with his wife Thelma, has become part of the family of St
Peter's. We hope they will continue to visit us.
Death of Betty Campbell
Betty died on 6 February, after a long illness. Her funeral, led by Father Malcolm, was held at the crematorium on 18
February. She was born in Kirkcaldy in 1925, the youngest of eight children, and lived here all of her life. She worked first as
a lift operator in the Co-op on the High St, then, during the war, helped to fuel Lancaster bombers. She also worked for many
years in the RAC office on the promenade.
In 1947 she married Colin Campbell, having met him at St Peter's Youth club. They set up home in Kirkcaldy where their
four children - Alan, David, Colin and Elizabeth were born.
She and Colin were well known and respected members of St Peter's. Betty served on the vestry and was an active member of
the Mothers' Union and of the Ladies' Fellowship. Her friends there speak of how much she contributed to these
organisations. She will be sadly missed by them and all of us at St Peter's.
Death of Joan Coles
Joan's sudden death came as a great shock to the congregation. She had been unwell for almost a year and had undergone several operations. She
seemed to be recovering well, however, until she suffered a serious relapse and died on 8 February. She was born
in Radcliffe, near Manchester on 9 August, 1940. She trained as a secretary and became manager of the
secretarial section of the local government office in Bury. It was in Bury she met and married her present husband
Len. Their 25th wedding anniversary would have been on 25 June this year. They had always planned to move to
the seaside on retirement and since Len's daughter Rosemary lives in Burntisland, it seemed an ideal
arrangement to move to this area. At Christmas 2003, they came to Kirkcaldy and joined St Peter's.
They both contributed greatly to the life of the church. Although a shy and private person, Joan took on many
responsibilities, including serving on the vestry, acting as intercessor, running the 100 club and being a member
of the prayer group. Especially, however, she was convenor of the Social Committee, which has arranged so many
successful events and outings over the last decade.
Phil Kear says of Joan, "She was a person of immense ability,enthusiasm and energy, combined with a delightful
sense of humour and a caring compassionate nature. When I first came to St Peter's, she was quick to make me feel welcome. I feel honoured and
grateful to have known her." A celebration of her life was held in St Peter's on Thursday, 14 February, at 2.30pm, led by Father Malcolm. The large
congregation consisted of members of St Peter's, the families of Len and Joan who live locally and a large number of friends and family who had
driven up from England that morning. Many of these were from St Thomas, the church formerly attended by Len and Joan.
Tributes were read by several family members and an obituary by Father Gareth Benson. After the service the celebration continued in the hall.
Death of Beryl Rogerson
Beryl died on 15 January, 2013, a week before her 80th birthday. A service in her loving memory was held in St Peter's on
Wednesday, 23 January, at 1.30 pm. A crowded church included her family, members of the church, friends, neighbours and
representatives of the wider community.
During the service, conducted by Father Malcolm, an account of her early life was given by her husband Jim, himself a long
serving member of St Peter's.
Beryl was born in Owston Ferry, Lincolnshire as part of a large family. Her father's work concerned the transportation of coal
by boat to the power stations at Doncaster.
It was in Doncaster, while a student nurse, that she met Jim. They were married in 1954 in St Mark's Church, Owston Ferry.
For the next ten years Jim's work for British Rail took them to Ilford, Hatfield and Grimsby, until, in 1964, he was appointed
area manager for the Edinburgh area and they moved to Kirkcaldy. By then their three daughters Karen, Andrea and Fiona
had been born. In 1964 they joined St Peter's, and until 5 years ago when she became ill, Beryl took an active part in the life
of the church, assisting June Paul when she was flower convenor, serving on the vestry, and latterly, along with Jim,
becoming a key member of the social committee. They took part in all the events which so entertain the congregation and
bring it closer together.
Jim told us that Beryl was a born organiser, and so she was, but in the gentlest possible way. With her warm smile, calm and patient manner,
willingness to extend help and friendship, Beryl was a much loved member of St Peter's.She had returned to nursing when Fiona became old
enough. Later, she moved into social work and finished her career as residential social worker at Denend Old People's Home. Retirement gave her
the opportunity to spend more time with friends and especially with family, which now, including grandchildren and great-grandchildren, number
29. At the beginning of the service Father Malcolm encouraged the younger children to place their tributes of flowers on her already heaped coffin,
illustrating the love felt for her by them all. Later, a party to celebrate her life was held in the hall. According to Jim, Beryl had not wanted the
occasion to be one of sadness and mourning.