© St Peter’s Episcopal Church, Kirkcaldy 2023
St Peter’s Scottish Episcopal Church
With St Mary & St Leonard, Kinghorn Charity Nos: SCO10443
Townsend Place, Kirkcaldy, Fife
Tel: 01592 204208
Email: cnfraser@btinternet.com
News & Events - 2008
Visit of Archbishop Stephen of Burma
On Sunday 10 August we were delighted to welcome Archbishop Stephen and his wife, visiting us after attending the Lambeth Conference. A large
number of members came to hear the archbishop preaching, perhaps after hearing Canon Rodger Royle announce the service on Radio 2.
Afterwards we were able to meet with him and his wife at a buffet lunch. We hope they will be able to return within the next few years. Perhaps
some of our members may be able to visit them in Burma. One of our oldest members, Joanne Watt, celebrated her 90th birthday on Sunday 10
August and Archbishop Stephen presented her with a card and flowers to mark the occasion.
St Peter's Day
This was celebrated on Sunday 29 June. A buffet lunch followed the 10.30
service, in which the guest preacher was the Rev Canon John Brown. In the
afternoon, John led a meeting of the USP (Unique Selling Point) group of St
Peter's. The picture shows John with some of the group.
Christian Aid
St Peter's contribution to the 2008 Christian Aid appeal consisted of the proceeds from three events, the Hunger Lunch on May 11th (£330), the
Quiz Evening on May 18th (£95) and a sale of plants by Edward Thomas (£65). Owing to the disastous situation caused by the recent cyclone in
Burma, it was decided to donate the total of £490 raised to that cause.
Italian evening
On 28 April the social committee hosted an Italian evening. About 40 church members and friends enjoyed a traditional Italian meal
accompanied by appropriate decorations and music. Later some Italian songs were sung (thankfully in translation).
Easter Sunday
On 23 March a crowded St Peter's celebrated the festival of Easter. It was a joyous occasion, the flowers, vestments and music adding colour to the
day, especially welcome after the sombre period of Lent. The service included the Liturgy of Initiation, in which an adult, James Finn, was
admitted into the fellowship of St Peter's through baptism. The pictures show some of Jane Legge's flower arrangements. There are also picture of
Gareth, of Carol, of some members of the congregation and of the children receiving Easter gifts from Joan Coles.
Visit of Bishop
Bishop David visited St Peter's on Sunday 27 January. He was accompanied by Bishop Daniel from Kerala, India, who is currently a guest of the
diocese. During the service, one of our younger members, 7 year-old Megan Briers, was admitted to communion for the first time. It was also our
annual Christingle service and fundraising for the Aberlour Childcare Trust, on this occasion raising nearly £200. After the service tea, coffee and
pancakes freshly made by members of the Social Committee were served in the hall.