© St Peter’s Episcopal Church, Kirkcaldy 2023
St Peter’s Scottish Episcopal Church
With St Mary & St Leonard, Kinghorn Charity Nos: SCO10443
Townsend Place, Kirkcaldy, Fife
Tel: 01592 204208
Email: cnfraser@btinternet.com
News & Events - 2006
Social evening
The social evening on 3 November consisted of dinner followed by entertainment provided by the 'St Peter's Players'.
Visit of Bishop David
On 2 April the bishop visited the congregation at Kinghorn.This was a less hazardous visit than the one he made to Kirkcaldy on 14
February, when he was caught in a snow drift and only reached St Peter's as the 10.00 a.m. service was ending. Nevertheless he donned
vestments for the few minutes remaining and stayed chatting with us for a considerable time afterwards. We admired his pluck in
continuing his journey to Kirkcaldy when he could much more easily have given up and gone home.
Funeral service of the Rev Canon Ron Leigh
On Sunday 27 January, members of St Peter's, representatives of the clergy, family and friends attended this service in St Peter's. The
celebrant was the bishop, the Right Rev David Chillingworth, while a former dean of the diocese, the Rev Ian Watt gave the address.
Also attending were the former bishops, Michael Henley and Michael Hare-Duke. The large attendance reflected the grief felt by Ron's
death and the affection with which he was held.